30. 11. - 8. 12. 2024 Letterbox in the courtyard of the Český Krumlov Monasteries
Children can write a letter to the Baby Jesus - the traditional Christmas gift-bringer in the Czech Republic. A letterbox for these letters is located in the courtyard of the Český Krumlov Monasteries from 30 November until 8 December.
8. 12. 2024 Christmas Post Office and arrival of the White Lady at Svornosti square
15:00-16:30 Opening of the Christmas Post Office in front of Zlatý Anděl Hotel - Children who did not drop their letters in the letterbox at the Monateries can hand them in at the Cristmas Postal Office.
16:30 Arrival of the White Lady, which collects the letters in order to deliver them to the Baby Jesus.