Basic information
Before arriving in Český Krumlov, we strongly recommend booking your arrival to the BUS-STOP in the on-line system. When booking, you will order a specific time for the tour bus and will have a guaranteed place. Standing time reserved at the BUS-STOP is always 20 minutes starting from the time of entry.
The time tolerance for utilizing your reserved time is 40 minutes before the start and 40 minutes after the end of the reserved time period; the total time tolerance is 100 minutes.
If you expect to arrive late or arrive early, causing your entrance to or exit from the BUS-STOP to fall outside the overall time tolerance, you can modify your reservation. You can change your reservation at any time, but no later than 30 minutes before the start of the originally booked time slot. Failure to do so will result in an additional fee payable on the spot.
The BUS-STOP is used only for passenger disembarkation and embarkation. Luggage transfer and bus parking must take place at the designated parking lots: P-BUS only 300 meters away from the BUS-STOP with a capacity of 31 spots, and BUS PARKING about two kilometers away with a capacity of 27 spots.