Information material for download
Historic centre, points of interest, monuments and tourist attractions in Český Krumlov, the nearest region and South Bohemia
→ Maps of the city center and the Český Krumlov Region
Sights, Museums, Galeries
Leaflet with an overview of sights, museums and galeries in Český Krumlov. Published in 2024.
→ English format A3, English format A4
→ German format A3, German format A4
→ Czech format A3, Czech format A4
Walk & Explore
Five suggestions for best walking routes in Český Krumlov. Published in 2024.
→ English format A3, English format A4
→ German format A3, German format A4
→ Czech format A3, Czech format A4
Day Trips & Bike Tours
Five cycling routes from Český Krumlov with tips for those who prefer travelling by train or car. Published in 2024.
→ English format A3, English format A4
→ German format A3, German format A4
→ Czech format A3, Czech format A4
UNESCO Heritage Full of Life
Find out why you should choose Český Krumlov for your stay in a brochure with a brief overview of the rich and varied offer and activities.
→ English
→ German
→ Czech
Leisure time activities
Monuments, museums, galleries, sports and activities, events.
→ Czech, German, English, Japanese, Russian, Hungarian, French, Spanish, Italian
Image brochure – Welcome in Český Krumlov
→ Czech, German, English
Český Krumlov – Město mnoha tváří
→ Czech, German, English