Nativity scenes in Český Krumlov

Places to see nativity scene in Český Krumlov.

Svornosti Square
Nativity scene created by students and teachers of St. Agnes School of Art and Design Český Krumlov
starting from the 1st Advent Sunday (3 December 2023)

Saint Vitus Church
Historical nativity scene to see from Christmas Day (25 December 2023) until Candlemas, Presentation of Christ in the Temple (2 February 2024)

Live Nativity Scene
A live biblical nativity scene with Christmas carols takes place on 23 December 2023 on 16:15 and 18:30 at the 2nd Castle courtyard

Complete Advent and Christmas 2023 Programme →

  • Český Krumlov
  • map
  • 3.12.2023 - 1.1.2024 / Mo-Su

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