Jistebnický cancional

The audience at St. Nicholas Church in Boletice will listen to spiritual songs from the Jistebnice Hymnal.

That is described as a key source of European medieval culture. And whose most famous part is the chant “Ye who are Warriors of God“. The songs will be interpreted by the renowned and internationally acclaimed female vocal Tiburtina Ensemble. It is dedicated primarily to the interpretation of Gregorian chant, medieval polyphony, and contemporary music. In almost 15 years of existence, the ensemble has gained a strong position in the field of so-called historically informed interpretation of early music and has become one of the leaders in its field.

Jistebnický kancionál:

  • Cantio Věřmež v Boha jednoho
  • Vězmětě a jezte
  • Brány nebeské
  • Jezme život, píme život
  • Bohu děkujíce

Tiburtina Ensemble

  • St. Nicolas Church in Boletice
    Boletice 9
    382 29 Boletice
  • 390 CZK
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  • www

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