Saint Wenceslas Celebrations | Friday, 27 September

Friday programme of Český Krumlov Saint Wenceslas Celebrations

Saint Wenceslas Fair

10:00–18:00 Saint Wenceslas Craft Fair Svornosti Square
Handicraft products, craft demonstrations, food and drinks

Svornosti Square Stage 

16:30 Official opening by the Mayor of the town of Český Krumlov Alexandr Nogrády

16:30–18:00 Lakomá Barka – historically-inspired folk music and folk songs

18:30–20:00 Bran – Breton music

20:30–22:00 Olin Nejezchleba & Kybabu – rock, blues, folk

Český Krumlov International Folklore Festival

16:00–17:30 Dancing Town | Seminary Garden by the Růže Hotel, Široká Street, Monastery Courtyard
Short dance performances by participants of the International Folklore Festival

18:00–00:00 Folklore Evening Krumlov Mill Restaurant
Music evening with ensembles from the International Folklore Festival

Český Krumlov Monasteries

10:30–18:00 Crafts Workshops | Monastery Courtyard and in the Craft Alley
Create your own handcrafted products under the guidance of experienced artisans.

15:30–18:00 Monastery Delicacies | Caffé Klášter, Monastery Courtyard
Plum-filled dumplings, open sandwiches, baked goods

Program of the Saint Wenceslas Celebrations 2024 →

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