Wintry romantic Vítkův Hrádek Castle

Take a trip to the ruins of the medieval castle Vítkův Hrádek, winter season making it all the more romantic than usual. Vítkův Hrádek (also Vítkův kámen) is located on the right side of Lake Lipno, 46 km by car from Český Krumlov.

How to get there

From Český Krumlov - drive to Větřní on the II/160 and from there continue to Světlík and Frymburk on II/162. In Frybmurk, take the II/163 towards Lipno n. Vltavou until you reach the dam of the Lipno lake, cross it, turn right at the end and continue along the right bank of the Lipno lake about 16 km through Přední Výtoň to the village of Svatý Tomáš, where you park at the church. The red hiking trail will lead you along a forest path with a slight incline to the ruins of Vítkův Hrádek Castle (about 350 metres).

Vítkův Hrádek Castle

The castle was founded by Vítek of Krumlov in the middle of the 13th century. It is the highest placed castle in Bohemia (1,035 m above sea level) with the largest preserved residential tower, the so-called Donjon, measuring 17.5 x 14 metres.

In winter season, the castle's residential tower is open only on weekends, but in good weather the observation deck offers the most beautiful views of Šumava, Lipno lake and the Alps in Austria. On weekends, you can also buy small refreshments in the castle area.

  • map
  • walks/hikes
  • by car
  • easy
  • difficult
  • car (→ 46 km) + walk (1 km)
  • walk on a forest path
  • half-day trip
  • nature
  • sights
  • sport
  • suitable for children
  • winter
  • refreshments en route