Český Krumlov Revolving Theatre 2025

Open-air theatre with revolving auditorium in the castle garden

Drama, musical or ballet - but above all, the exceptional experience of a performance in the theatre with the highest ceiling in the world. This is what the Revolving Theatre offers to young and adult spectators. The productions of world-famous authors performed by the South Bohemian Theatre take place in the beautiful natural scenery of the castle garden. The choice of repertoire, the directorial concept, the actors' performances and the original garden scenery will captivate every spectator.

Program 2025

The Double Star Man / 03.06.-14.06.2025
A poetic story, full of magic and theatrical miracles.

Sense and Sensibility / 20.06.-06.07.2025
A romantic story from “good old England” by Jane Austen, Olga Šubrtová and Martina Schlegelová.

Hercules – premiere / 12.07.-20.07. & 21.08.-07.09.2025
A spectacular musical performance for the whole family. The birth of a hero in the open air!

The Hound of the Baskervilles / 13.07.-27.07.2025
Legendary detective comedy by A.C. Doyle.

Sleeping Beauty / 01.-07.08.2025
Ballet fairy-tale story.

Messiah / 12.08.-17.08.2025
Stage adaptation of the famous oratorio.

Decameron / 21.08.-07.09.2025
The famous work of the Renaissance poet Giovanni Boccaccio.

  • Revolving Theatre
    Castle garden
    381 01 Český Krumlov
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  • www
  • 3.6. - 7.9.2025 / Tu-Su

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