Český Krumlov Study Centre

The conference rooms of the Study Centre in the 1st Castle Courtyard offer elegant facilities for conferences, workshops, seminars, chamber music concerts and other social gatherings. The 1940s/50s-style rooms are also suitable for long-term and short-term study stays. There are two halls and a study room including technical equipment.

The Column Hall is a festive room with a capacity of up to 130 people with theatre seating. The hall is suitable for larger corporate events, conferences or concerts.

The Pillar Hall is a smaller hall for up to 80 people with a wide range of possibilities to arrange. The hall is suitable for medium and large corporate and social events.

The Study Room is a smaller room with a capacity of 24 people, suitable for company meetings, workshops or meetings.

Conference room capacity

Capacity THEATRE
Capacity BANQUET
Column Hall
Size: 180 m2
Hight: 4.5 m
Floor: 0
Capacity THEATRE: 130
Capacity CLASSROOM: 70
Capacity BOARDROOM: -
Capacity BANQUET: -
Pillar Hall
Size: 100 m2
Hight: 4.5 m
Floor: 0
Capacity THEATRE: 80
Capacity CLASSROOM: 40
Capacity BOARDROOM: -
Capacity BANQUET: -
Study Room
Size: 54 m2
Hight: 2.8 m
Floor: 1
Capacity THEATRE: 50
Capacity CLASSROOM: 24
Capacity BOARDROOM: -
Capacity BANQUET: -


  • technical equipment: free wi-fi, virtual/hybrid event solutions, IT support on site
  • presentation equipment: laptop, screen/TV, flip chart/white board
  • daylight
  • full blackout option
  • barrier-free

Other services

  • parking available
  • catering:
  • organisation of accompanying programmes

Accommodation capacity

Number of beds
Number of rooms
Single rooms
Double rooms
Accessible rooms
Number of beds: 32
Number of rooms: 18
Single rooms: 4
Double rooms: 14
Accessible rooms: 0

number of meeting rooms: 3

total floor space of meeting rooms: 334 m2

maximum capacity: 260 persons
(capacity of all rooms with theatre seating)

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